The Strengths Deck Downloads

This is where you can find all the downloads of free resources to help you on your strengths journey, and so you can get the most out of The Strengths Deck.


To get started with The Strengths Deck for free, sign up below and you’ll receive a copy of the Matrix, the Instructions and Coaching Questions, and a lo-fi version of The Strengths Deck Cards. 

Sign up to download The Strengths Deck Cards and Matrix

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The PDF supplement is an accompaniment for the audiobook version, containing illustrations and reference notes from the print and e-book version.


Why not get your very own copy of ‘Unleash Your Awesome‘ and The Strengths Deck?

Visit the Store to grab your copies.

Tell me your stories

I’d love to hear your strengths stories,and your experiences of reading ‘Unleash Your Awesome‘ and using The Strengths Deck. Send your thoughts and feedback through the Contact page – I promise to read and respond to every message.

A photo of 'Unleash Your Awesome' book, with The Strengths Deck cards and box, and Strengths Deck Matrix, on an orange and pink background

About the creator

Daria Williamson created The Strengths Deck and wrote ‘Unleash Your Awesome’, to put the power of personal strengths into your hands. 

Daria is a coach, trainer, and facilitator in personal strengths and leadership. She is based in beautiful Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, working with clients in Aotearoa New Zealand and around the world.

Find out more about her at

A photo of a dark-haired woman standing in front of a wall painted to resemble a jungle. She is holding a copy of 'Unleash Your Awesome: How to live and work from your Zone of Genius' up so that it is covering the lower half of her face. Her eyes are crinkled in a way that suggests a big smile is hidden behind the book.