Unleash Your Awesome

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'Unleash Your Awesome' is the book you need

Built for motivated, busy people, this handbook is your practical, easy-to-implement guide to making the most of your strengths.

Drawing on strengths research and real-world experience, Daria Williamson has created this practical, easy-to-imlement handbook to help you get clarity on what you love and what you’re great at, and how you can achieve more without sacrificing your wellbeing.

Working hard doesn’t have to feel like hard work – this book shows you how to navigate that balance, and have a whole lot of fun as you do so.

A copy of 'Unleash Your Awesome' by Daria Williamson held by a woman's hands, in front of an orange background.

Get your copy of 'Unleash Your Awesome'


eBook, audiobook, print-on-demand

Unleash Your Awesome is also available on these platforms:

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Note: this page may contain affiliate links. Purchasing using an affiliate link will not cost you anything, however it may result in me earning a small commission.

Upgrade to the 'Unleash Your Awesome' bundle

To really turbo-charge your strengths, get the ‘Unleash Your Awesome’ bundle. 

It contains everything you need to make the most of your strengths and unleash your awesome on the world!

The bundle contains one set of The Strengths Deck cards, a Strengths Deck Matrix, and a copy of ‘Unleash Your Awesome’, and is shipped from New Zealand.*

* Shipping from New Zealand. The purchaser is solely liable for the payment of all import duties, taxes, and other fees associated with any purchases made from this website. If your country isn’t included above, email me for a shipping quote. 

Reader feedback

“It’s just like having a conversation with you.”

“I love the chocolate strategies – really made me laugh!”

“I am so grateful for all your hard work creating this… it must feel incredible knowing you are making a real difference in people’s lives. I love how it’s a true how-to book too, not just a ‘brush the surface’ book that leaves you wanting more.”

“It’s really easy to read and follow.”

“I’ve read it in one sitting… It’s very engaging and accessible.”

“I’ve been reading your book for hours each day, and have written pages, doing the exercises, getting feedback etc… it’s a good book!!”

“This is a fantastic, practical and enlightening read.”

“I’ve just started your book and loving it so far – I can even hear your voice as I’m reading it.”

'Unleash Your Awesome' on Goodreads

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Unleash Your Awesome: How to live and work from your Zone of Genius
Daria Williamson's books on Goodreads


Here are your complimentary downloads to accompany Unleash Your Awesome, as my way of saying “Thank you for your purchase”.

The PDF supplement is an accompaniment for the audiobook version, containing illustrations and reference notes from the print and e-book version