I couldn’t tell you how long I’ve dreamed of writing and publishing a book. It’s finally about to happen!
You see, on 1st February 2022, I started writing a book about strengths. Since then, I’ve written four full drafts. That’s around 200,000 words that stayed on the (electronic) page. Not to mention the countless tens of thousands of words I wrote, deleted, re-wrote, and re-deleted!
This book is the distallation of my thoughts and insights about personal strengths. It’s full of practical exercises for you to identify your strengths and learn how to use them wisely and well to boost your wellbeing and deliver great results in a sustainable, energising, and fun way.
In February 2023, I’ll be launching the finished product as a paperback, e-book, and print-on-demand. I’m so excited, and can’t wait to share it with you.
I’ve had loads of support from the brilliant team at Intelligent Ink as I wrote the manuscript. And now I’m working with the fantastic people over at smartwork creative to get it into a published format.
I had no idea just how many reviews, edits, and decisions were involved in publishing a book, and I’m grateful to have an experienced and dedicated team behind me to help me navigate these new waters I find myself in.
Keep an eye out on this post for updates, or sign up for my newsletter, to find out more about when the book will be launched, and how you can get your hands on a copy. I can’t wait to share it with you!